10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat in Rishikesh, India

10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat in Rishikesh, India

Course Level: Beginner     Language of Instruction: English, Hindi

The 10 days Sun Salutation Retreat at Divine Yoga Foundation- the best yoga school in Rishikesh, India center is held over a duration of 10 days and 9 nights. Surya Namaskar, the oldest practice of energizing and worshipping oneself, will be covered in this retreat. Aside from teaching Surya Kriya, this retreat will also show you how to transition into Yoga Nidra. Every Surya Namaskar pose has physical and philosophical advantages for both the body and the mind. This retreat will cover the eight steps to self-transformation laid down by the esteemed Guru Swami Rama in the book “Path of Fire and Light.” The Raja Yoga theory, which is the eight-step ladder of the methodical approach to obtaining the ultimate state of enlightenment known as “samadhi,” will be introduced. There will be 9 days of instruction for students and 1 day off. Our school arranges a half-day excursion for pupils on this rest day, which may involve going to one of Rishikesh’s holy places. The rest day normally happens on a Sunday, however, it could be moved to a weekday during Rishikesh’s busy tourist season. The cost of the excursion, which is planned by the school, is included in the course price.

10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat is suitable for those who….

10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat is suitable for those who….

10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat : Course Curriculum

10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat : Course Curriculum

Controlling the breath and hence calming the nerves, is necessary condition to controlling the mind and the body’ by Swami Rama. This retreat of  Divine Yoga Foundation which is the best yoga school in Rishikesh will discuss three different types of breathing which are chest or thoracic, abdominal or belly breathing, and diaphragmatic breathing. All types of breathing will be discussed and also which type is harmful and beneficial for the body will be discussed in depth. How breathing influence moods and emotions. How one can overcome stress and negativity just by being aware of the flow of breath. In this retreat we will do pranayama which means the control of the flow of energy by giving direction to one’s breath. There will be guided training of pranayama and kriyas such as Kapalabhati, Bhastrika, Brahmari, and Nadi Shodanam. Their benefits and importance will also be discussed.

Meditation is a self-effort, a probe into the inner life, and will reveal all the secrets to you in time to come by Swami Rama. Meditation is a word and a process that has been highly misused and yet there is a good deal of confusion about what meditation is and how it is practiced. Meditation is not contemplation or thinking, it is not hypnosis or autosuggestion, it is not a religion. Meditation is simply a mediation in the inner world by being aware of the flow of the breath.
It is a specific technique for completely resting the mind. There will be guided meditation and how to prepare oneself for meditation every day at the same time and same place to create a new groove in your mind. Relaxation of mind and body has become very important in your hectic life schedule. This retreat will make one get rid of stress and negativity through different kinds of relaxation techniques such as systematic progressive relaxation, point-to-point relaxation, and tension relaxation. They will be discussed on anatomy and physiology of relaxation.

A restored sense of balance and harmony that will gradually reintroduce you to yourself is what all of yoga’s practices are meant to do. The actions of the joints and glands go beyond just bodily warming. In order to maintain healthy joints and glands go beyond over the course of one’s life, it is imperative to practice certain techniques. One feels more alive as a result of the system’s re-coordination. The portions that have been frozen or forgotten are made conscious.

A new method of moving joints and glands that are done in synchronized synergy, or with the breath’s flow and in continuous free flow, will be introduced throughout this retreat. It highlights the movement and its impact in depth.

The meaning of Hatha (‘ha’ is the sun and ‘tha’ is the moon) changes when one starts to comprehend where that gentle part of the forcing comes from; at that point, one is no longer just thinking about the physical body but also about subtler truths, cosmic truths, the universal energy fields, the sun, and the moon through Swami Ved Bharti. Hatha Yoga has three main philosophies: tapas (ascetic practise), worship, and the development of the intellect. A very old method of praising and igniting the inner sun and moon is known as Surya Namaskar.

The idea that you must perform Surya Namaskar as the sun rises is untrue. Surya Namaskar has nothing to do with the sun’s exterior surface; rather, it represents a certain form of energy found inside your yogic body. One will receive instructions in the Surya Namaskar’s worshiping, flowing, and spiritual aspects throughout this retreat, not only its physical aspects. We will go into great detail on the various psychological and anatomical effects that each stance generates. Every positions awaken various justifications of consciousness; the consequences it has on your body and mind will be covered. One would have mastered the ability to perform one Surya Namaskar in an hour at the end of the retreat.

Yoga means “unity” in Sanskrit. Yoga is when your personal soul merges with the universal soul and you are one with the absolute. Swami Rama As with the term “meditation,” there is a lot of misunderstanding surrounding the term “yoga Nidra.” Yoga Nidra doesn’t happen; it can only be experienced. Only the process of entering yogic slumber can be started. Yoga Nidra is not actually a sleep state—it is more like a half-sleep, half-walking state. One can be entirely rested and experience some light sleep while yet being fully awake. One will learn how to go completely out of breath during this retreat, and only then may yoga nidra be started in the corpse position. One will learn how to create a tissue memory of the 61 Shava Yatra locations, which represent the pilgrimage sites visited by the awareness as it travels through the yogic body.

You have the capacity and strength to expand your conscious mind with the help of a method that is called ‘interior research’ the internal journey. This instruction is leading you on the path called ‘the path of the keyless door’.’ by Swami Rama. This will include the reading and discussion of the book Path of Fire and Light’ by the prestigious, Guru Swami Rama. In this book, your main emphasis will be on the eight steps of self-transformation. Usually, the door is locked and there is no key, but you are learning to open it.
You have to open it and you have the power to do so. Your mind is yours; know your mind. To open the door and start your inner journey, you need to learn several points and apply them systematically.

Although the teachings of yoga constitute a fundamental component of most faiths, yoga itself is not a belief system. Yoga teaches how to be, unlike other faiths which teach what to do. Swami Rama The royal way is raja yoga. The founder of yoga, Patanjali, systematised this extremely scientific route. By adhering to it, one develops self-control over his impulses, emotions, and thoughts as well as over the subtle impressions that are hidden away in the unconscious. Through the eight steps of the yoga ladder, which are methodically presented and detailed, it connects the individual to the cosmic truth. Finally, the aspirant ascends to the eighth rung, known as “samadhi.”

Neti purifies the head and grants clairvoyance. Additionally, according to Hatha yoga Pradipika, it eradicates all illnesses that appear above the throat. Additionally, during this retreat, participants will learn how to properly wash their noses to remove excess mucus and bacteria, enabling free passage of air in both nostrils. Additional purifying activities, like as bowel movement and digestive breathing, which are crucial for a yogic existence, will be taught.

10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat in Rishikesh, India: Daily Schedule

10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat in Rishikesh, India: Daily Schedule

Time Activity
05:00 am Wake Up!
06:15 – 06:30 Mantra Chanting
06:30 – 07:30 Shat-kriyas & Pranayama practices
07:30 – 09:00 Hatha Yoga (Classical)
09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 – 12:00 Session I – Sun Salutation Theory & Practice
12:30– 13:00 Karma Yoga (Seva)
13:00 -14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:30 Self-Study / Self-Practice
15:30 – 15:45 Tea break
16:30 – 17:30 Session II  – Integrated Sun Salutation Session (with Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Meditation)
18:00 – 20:00 Dinner
20:00 – 21:00 Free Time / Self study
21:00-22:00 Go to sleep!

10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat :Course Fee

10 Days Sun Salutation Retreat: Course Fee

Accommodation TypePrice Per Person
Shared Twin RoomUS$ 850
Private Single RoomUS$ 1000

Course Fees INCLUDE:

  • 9 nights non-AC Accommodation (AC available at additional cost)
  • Three vegetarian meals per day
  • Afternoon Tea (Masala Chai)
  • Half-day excursion
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Yoga materials during class (i.e. yoga mat, block, belt, etc.)
  • Printed study handouts
  • Course Certification


  • Airport Transfer (available at additional charges)
  • Travel expenses (i.e. airfare, train, bus, taxi, etc.)
  • Laundry services (available at additional charges)
  • Extra nights beyond course dates (available at additional charges)
  • Extra excursion not organized by school
  • Air Conditioning / Heater (available at additional charges)
  • Travel & Medical Insurance
  • Other Personal Expenses