500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India

Experience a Deeper & More Profound Level of Yoga

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Deep & Profound

Are you looking for deeper and profound yoga teachings, beyond the surface level yoga based only on physical postures?

Professional Trainers

Do you want a professional yoga teacher training for deep knowledge and skills to teach others with confidence?

500-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India

The Divine Yoga Foundation offers a 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh that lasts 50 days and 49 nights. The course gives a solid foundation for holistically expanding yoga practice and understanding. Yoga has gained popularity in the modern-day mostly due to its physical exercises (“asana”), while other crucial aspects of yoga have received less attention. To assist the personal and spiritual development of our students, we ensure that our TTC incorporates comprehensive yoga studies as well as the incorporation of spirituality within the teachings and practices.
The yoga teacher training in Rishikesh of Divine Yoga Foundation’s course material includes the pranayama, shat kriya, asana practices, yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy, relaxation (Yoga Nidra), and meditation techniques in addition to other important subjects. Our school focuses on Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and Hatha Yoga for asana practices. Students will train for 6 days a week with 1 day off in between. Our school arranges a half-day excursion for pupils on this day of relaxation, which may include going to holy places, seeing a waterfall, or exploring a city. The rest day normally happens on a Sunday, however, it could be moved to a weekday during Rishikesh’s busy tourist season.

Deep & Profound

Are you looking for deeper and profound yoga teachings, beyond the surface level yoga based only on physical postures?

Professional Trainers

Do you want a professional yoga teacher training for deep knowledge and skills to teach others with confidence?

Who Should Take Up This Yoga Teacher Training Course?

Are you looking to deepen your yoga practice and become a yoga teacher? There are many different yoga teacher training courses out there, but how do you know which one is right for you? Divine Yoga Foundation’s 500-hours yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh is the perfect way to take your yoga practice to the next level and become a certified yoga teacher.

500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training : Course Curriculum

  1.  Meditative steps of performing the hatha yoga; centering, entering, refining, holding, coming out, and reflection
  2.  Astanga vinyasa flow – series 1
  3.  Surya namaskar (sun salutations) – dynamic surya namaskar, surya namaskar with breathe awareness, surya namaskar with mantra chanting
  4.  Types of hatha posture – standing poses, sitting poses, backward bending poses, forward bending poses, spinal twisting poses, fire series, inversion poses, shavasana
  5.  Postural alignment and art of adjustment
  6.  Counter pose
  7.  Contraindications
  1.  Science of breath
  2.  Sitting postures for pranayama practice
  3.  How to establish diaphragmatic breathing before pranayama practice
  4.  1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 breathing practices
  5.  Types of pranayama – nadi shodhana pranayama, ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, and anuloma viloma
  1.  Jalandhara-bandha (chin lock)
  2.  Uddiyana-bandha (abdominal lock)
  3.  Moola-bandha (root lock)
  1. Relaxation in daily life
  2.  Tension and relaxation
  3.  Systematic relaxation
  4.  31 relaxation
    1.  What is meditation & what is not?
    2.  Meditation in daily life
    3.  Yoga asanas for meditation
    4.  2-5 minutes meditations
    5.  So-ham mediation
  1.  Introduction about anatomy and physiology
  2.  Systems: Digestive system, Respiratory system
  3.  Effect of yoga posture on muscles and systems
  1.  General introduction: six school of Indian philosophy
  2.  Samkhya and yoga
  3.  Highlight of ashtanga yoga: yama, niyam, asana, pranayam, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi
  4.  Life style and yoga ethics
  •  Jnana-mudra
  •  Dhyan-mudra
  •  Vishnu-mudra
  •  Hridaya-mudra
  1.  Om mantra
  2.  Morning mantra
  3.  Guru mantra
  4.  Meal mantra
  5.  Gayatri mantra and more
  6.  Suryanamaskar mantras – 12 names of sun
  1.  Jala-neti
  2.  Sutra-ne
  1.  Lesson plan
  2.  Assignments
  3.  Practice teaching
  4.  Feedback
  5.  Group discussion
  6.  Question and answer
  7.  Homework

What Happens After the Yoga Teacher Training Course is Completed?

After the yoga course is completed, there are various options available to you. You can either continue practicing yoga, go on to teach yoga, or become a yoga therapist. The decision of what to do after completing the course is not easy and it should be made only after much thought. But whatever option you choose, make sure that it’s something that will keep you happy and fulfilled. After completing a 500-hour yoga teacher training course, you will be a certified yoga teacher. You will then be able to teach yoga classes to people of all levels. The 500-hour yoga teacher training course is intense and demanding. It requires dedication, discipline, and a lot of hard work. But what happens after the course is completed? For many students, the answer is simple: they start teaching yoga. But others may find themselves unsure of what to do next. Here are a few suggestions of what you can do after completing your yoga teacher training course.

 Start teaching yoga

 This is the most obvious option and for many students, the only option. After completing your yoga teacher training course, you will be ready and equipped to start teaching yoga. You can start teaching at a studio, in a gym, or even from your home.

 Start your own yoga business

 If you have always dreamed of owning your yoga studio or running your own yoga business, now is the time to make it happen. After completing your yoga teacher training course, you will have the knowledge and skills to start your own yoga business.

 Pursue further studies

 If you want to deepen your knowledge of yoga, you can consider pursuing further studies. There are many advanced yoga teacher training courses available that you can take. You can also consider studying yoga therapy or Ayurveda.

 Write a yoga blog or book

 If you have a passion for writing, you can start a yoga blog or even write a book about yoga. This is a great way to share your knowledge and experience with others.

 Volunteer in a yoga project

 There are many yoga projects that you can volunteer for. You can use your skills and   knowledge to help others who are interested in yoga. This is a great way to give back and help people while also.

500-hour Yoa Teacher Training: Daily Schedule

05:00 amWake Up!
06:15 – 06:30Mantra Chanting
06:30 – 07:30Shat-kriyas & Pranayama practices
07:30 – 09:00Hatha Yoga (Classical)
09:00 – 10:00Breakfast
10:00 – 11:00Yoga Physiology
11:00– 12:00Yoga Anatomy & Physiology
12:30 – 13:00Karma Yoga (Seva)
13:00 – 14:30Lunch
14:30 – 16:00Self-Study/ Self-Practice
16:00 – 16:15Tea Break
16:30- 18:00Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
18:00 – 19:00Relaxation & Meditation
19:00 – 20:00Dinner
20:00 – 21:00Self-Study / Free-Time
21:00Go to Sleep!

Course Fee

Accommodation TypePrice Per Person
Shared Twin RoomUS$ 2350
Private Single RoomUS$ 2800

Divine Yoga Foundation Teacher Training Course

Divine Yoga Foundation Teacher Training Course

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India

Our 100-hour program interactively divides our yoga course into the 100-hour time limit. Divine yoga foundation the best yoga school in Rishikesh provides users with a 100-hour certification once they complete the course.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India

Training programs vary in length from 200 hours to 300 hours, depending on your level of experience with yoga. There are many benefits to attending a 200-hour yoga training program and conducted by the best yoga school in Rishikesh ‘Divine Yoga School’.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India

By thinking about your goals and what you hope to achieve by becoming a yoga instructor. You can start limiting your options after you know what you want.
Join 300 hours yoga training program at the best Yoga School in Rishikesh.

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